TikTok has rapidly turned into a popular social media online in recent years due to its brilliant and captivating short video content, and each application or social network is known to have its own virtual currency or monetize it in some way. TikTok is the same. Tik Tok users can purchase presents for their favorite short video creators by buying Tik Tok coins, if you also want to buy Tik Tok coins to give gifts to your favorite short video creators, this article will show you how to buy it cheaply Tik Tok coins.
What are TikTok coins?
TikTok Coins are an in-app currency that users can use to buy gifts and donate to their favorite creators in the form of various emojis. You can use TikTok coins to buy TikTok promotions to boost your videos or send gifts to your favorite creators, or buy promotions for your own TikTok videos. Any user can buy to top up Tik Tok coins and use them to buy gifts for their favorite creators that can be collected and redeemed to their own PayPal account.
Below is the current USD price of Tik Tok coins:
$1.10 = 70 coins
$5.54 = 350 coins
$9.63 = 700 coins
$21.46 = 1400 coins
How to buy TikTok coins?
You can buy tiktok coins directly from the tiktok app. However, you must be at least 18 years old to do so. All you need to do to buy Tiktok Coins is:
How to buy Tiktok Coins:
1. Start the TIC Toc.
2. Click on the “Profile” tab.
3. Tap the three lines in the upper right corner, then tap “Settings and P cheats”.
4. Select “Balance”.
5. Next to Total Coins, click Top Up.
6. Select the amount of coins you want to buy and follow the on-screen instructions to make the payment.
Alternatively, you can top up your coins on the website, which has lower channel fees than the app, making it cheaper to buy.
TikTok coins are cheaper on the desktop
You can get better deals if you buy coins on the table. Doing so can save you up to 31 percent, according to the TikTok website. This is because the app store takes a commission on payments made to the app company through the store’s payment process. Rather than simply giving the app store a slice of the pie, TikTok takes that fee into account and charges higher prices within the app, making customers pay extra. But because TikTok’s website doesn’t need to be hosted in an app store, payments made through the desktop site won’t charge a commission like the mobile app storefront.
That’s all for an overview of how to buy Tik Tok coins and which way is cheaper. For more tips on TikTok Recharge and others, be sure to follow us at mmorpgm.com.
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